Our Chess Programs

Scholastic chess players participating in a tournament in the mess hall of  the Battleship Wisconsin

HRCA is a member-based nonprofit organization. Many of our classes have a $25 Annual Registration Fee which includes HRCA Basic Membership. HRCC and PSCC require an HRCA Regular Membership, but you get free visits all year with your membership. You can also visit for free to check us out before joining!

Click here to visit our membership page for more information and to become an HRCA member!

Completing our membership form does NOT register you for classes. Please continue to see our chess classes and programs!

HRCA’s Core Chess Programs are our “house” clubs and classes.

HRCA core program classroom in 2021

HRCA partners with different community organizations to expand our reach across the Seven Cities. We teach classes in recreation centers and libraries, at community festivals, and more!

giant chess set on display at mall event

HRCA is a partner in education with Virginia Beach City Public Schools and City of Norfolk Public Schools. We teach chess classes and clubs/teams, provide support to teachers, and more! We work with all schools — public, private, homeschoolers, and co-ops. Click here to learn more about our educational offerings.

HRCA hosts a number of tournaments throughout the year!

Our weekly house clubs, HRCC and PSCC, hold rated tournaments for adults and advanced youth.

HRCA holds scholastic tournaments monthly during the school year, which average about 80 players each. Our scholastic venues vary – from libraries to recreation centers to schools to even battleships! Our largest tournament – the Seven Cities School Chess Championship – featured a record 220 players in 2024!

We also hold 3 larger cash prize tournaments (with trophy-prize scholastic sections) annually for our rated players – the Zofchak Memorial in September, the Holiday Hustle in December, and the Coastal Virginia Open in January/February.

Please visit our Upcoming Events page and our Find a Tournament page for more information about HRCA events and tournaments hosted by our trusted partners.

players pose with Martial Arts academy instructor and his light saber at the 2024 Seven Cities School Chess Championship

HRCA works with local enforcement departments, at-risk youth centers, and Title I schools to bring the life benefits of chess to those who may have difficulty accessing our programs. We also have invested in our girls and women’s chess programming, and boast a number of girls in our programs that is higher than the national average!

Many of these programs rely on sponsorships and donations. When you give with HRCA, you can choose to have your gift designated for these programs! Learn more about our outreach programs and make a tax-deductible gift to support them here.

Collage of 2024 Girls Rock weekend event

Please visit our Program Overview page for a bird’s eye view of our chess offerings! (best viewed on desktop)